I want to contemplate the further implications of my work on content, distribution, and energy. I have suggested that Pst is the result of the convergence of these elements. If I define spiritual as a particular kind of transformation, then I must add modifiers to the formulation. What are these modifiers?
1. It must be the right content
2. It must be effective distribution
3. It must be pervasive energy.
In this regard I have some imbalance in the formulation. Pervasive connects with the result. But right does not directly connect with the result (spiritual). I could use the word “sufficient” for all three, but then I would need to use sufficient in the result. This might be addressed by using the word “right” for content, “effective” for distribution, and “significant” for energy.
There still are difficulties with language. Pervasive has a sense of both penetrating and ongoing. Significant is a flatter word. Then again, language will never fully capture the meaning.
Do these concepts/can these concepts connect with the larger research project situated within philosophy of religion?
I would like to restate this then, as follows:
1. It must be the right content
2. It must be effective distribution
3. It must be significant energy.