On Relational Proximity

On Relational Proximity

Posted on:Aug 07 2008
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Schluter and Lee maintain that relational proximity… is a description not of the personalities or geographical position of two individuals but of the interaction between them. It has at least five dimensions:  

1.  Directness: I will be more relationally proximate to you if I meet you face-to-face than if I meet you over the phone or through an intermediary medium.

2.  Continuity: I will be more relationally proximate to you if I meet you regularly and over an extended period than if I meet you intermittently and short term.

3.  Multiplexity: I will be more relationally proximate to you if I meet you in two or three contexts, or roles, than if I meet you in only one.  

4.  Parity: I will be more relationally proximate to you if I meet you in equal footing than if we are separated by an asymmetry of power.

5.  Commonality: I will be more relationally proximate to you if we have a common purpose than if our interests do not overlap.


Bibliography: Schluter, Michael and David John Lee. The R Option. Hodder and Stoughton, 1993

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