On the Artificial Distinction between “Men of Action” and “Men of Reflection”

On the Artificial Distinction between “Men of Action” and “Men of Reflection”

Posted on:Apr 10 2012
Captured by:Austin M

There is a popular, if artificial distinction between “men of action” and “men of reflection”. But if one accepts the two terms as a matter of emphasis, then it is fair to say that there are some whose lives are focused around action. They are entrepreneurs; they are generals. They are building and fighting. Other men choose a life of reflection, of thinking, of writing.

Still, I think the men of action are sometimes characterized as those who gifts preclude them from the more contemplative activities. I am not certain this is true. It may be that for some, action is a sedative. They have tasted enough of the futility in so much of the thinking pursuits that they would rather build, fight, and act. This does not mean that they do not think. It does mean that they realize their life’s work will have more force if it is focused on a tangible.

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