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In Session #4, Flint teaches how to convert prospect data into customer wisdom.
Here are some of the most important insights from this class:
• For the Marketer Entrepreneur, the value of data is absolutely derived from its predictive power (Grand Customer Theory).
• Focus not on the DEMOGRAPHICS; focus on the PSYCHOGRAPHICS.
• We progress UP the funnel through a series of micro-yeses.
• Embarrassment is often the price of marketing wisdom.
• You can only change a page in three ways; you can (1) ADD, (2) REMOVE, or (3) CHANGE.
You can watch the full video above, or jump ahead to these key takeaways:
00:00 Your Customer Profile: 5 powerful questions to ask about your prospect (before you design a webpage)
00:50 How do we convert prospect data into customer wisdom?
01:20 Why do people say, “yes”?
01:25 For the Marketer Entrepreneur, the value of data is absolutely derived from its predictive power (Grand Customer Theory).
04:00 Focus not on the DEMOGRAPHICS; focus on the PSYCHOGRAPHICS
04:18 What do they move towards? From what do they move away?
04:40 We progress UP the funnel through a series of micro-yeses.
05:08 Embarrassment is often the price of marketing wisdom.
06:30 You can only change a page in three ways; you can (1) ADD, (2) REMOVE, or (3) CHANGE.
07:50 Beware of slowing the velocity of the purchase.
08:30 Don’t bore with declaration. Don’t brag with proclamation. Guide with explanation.
08:40 Clarity trumps persuasion
To get immediate help with your marketing challenges and reach more potential customers, just contact Flint and his team at this email address:
This is Session #4 from the online training “Become a Marketer-Philosopher: Create and optimize high-converting webpages” – The course is fully underwritten by MECLABS, with no monetary cost to participants.