Your success this year depends upon the difference between actual value and perceived value.
In this live, interactive session, Flint McGlaughlin, CEO and Managing Director, MECLABS Institute, will teach you how to help customers perceive the value of your products and services by leveraging the power of three elements marketers can use to their advantage.
He’ll also share a real-world example in a case study that shows how an organization communicated the perceived value of its offering through a mobile landing page.
If you would like your landing pages or other marketing to be considered for live optimization – on-the-spot analysis with Flint sharing how to improve conversion during the session – send it to us at
Key points in the video:
8:01 Three factors can impact a customer’s perceived value of your offer.
11:02 PVD is the difference between the customer’s perceived value and the actual value.
16:40 Scarcity – Examples of using this internal motivator inappropriately.
22:37 Dark patterns – Negative manipulation used by marketers to achieve an objective in their business.
25:19 Examples of using Scarcity appropriately.
29:10 Influence (celebrity, social proof, authority, etc…) – Examples of using it appropriately.
32:05 Examples of using Story appropriately.
35:33 Value Proposition – Four conclusions to evoke in the mind
“Asking ‘how’ leads to information; asking ‘why’ leads to wisdom.” This is the essence of Dr. Flint McGlaughlin’s book, The Marketer as Philosopher
For more information, you can visit
Resource List:
Dark Patterns at Scale: Findings from a Crawl of 11K Shopping Websites – Research from Arunesh Mathur, Gunes Acar, Michael J. Friedman, Elena Lucherini, Jonathan Mayer, and Arvind Narayanan of Princeton University and Marshini Chetty the University of Chicago
The Endless, Invisible Persuasion Tactics of the Internet – by Sidney Fussell…
Landing Page tests: A/B Testing: How a landing page test yielded a 6% increase in leads…
Web Clinic tests: Email Copy Tested: How adding urgency increased clickthrough by 15%…
Social Media: Social Media Optimization – Engineering contagious ideas…
Ecommerce: It’s Not All About Price…
Marketing Chart: Which advertising channels consumers trust most and least when making purchases…
Interactive Email: 6 tactics to leverage the influence of social reinforcement…
Marketing Psychology: The behavioral triggers behind success at Amazon, Groupon and FarmVille…
How to Use Social Media to Increase Your Marketing Conversion…
Data Analysis 101: How a nonprofit used data to secure a critical business decision and help find 125 missing children…
Ecommerce Marketing: 150% increase in sales from product storytelling and site redesign…
Content Marketing: How a farm justifies premium pricing…
Copywriting on Tight Deadlines: How ordinary marketers are achieving 103% gains with a step-by-step framework – (instant PDF download)…
5 steps to telling your team’s story internally…