On Being Direct About Your Artistic Opinions

On Being Direct About Your Artistic Opinions

Posted on:Dec 21 2012
Captured by:Paul C

Do not have a “Christianized” opinion about art. Don’t be too nice, either to the artist or with yourself. You will never transcend the limitations of mediocrity if you are too afraid to be direct. I’m not advocating that anyone be overbearing or dogmatic. Here is the difference:  when one denies their own uncertainty and presses their conviction about ultimate truth on someone else, they are in danger of becoming dogmatic (in the negative sense). But when one expresses their own opinion as it relates to beauty, then one should be clear and unafraid to take a stand. Loving a piece of art does not require justification. Your existence is precious, leaking away from you moment by moment. An investment of life energy in the appreciation of any particular artistic expression is one of the great ways to lavish the gift of your life. So lavish it and do not waste it on anything undeserving.

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