The leader should be mindful of his mindset when facing a true crisis. It’s important to do more than prevail; it’s important to enjoy (a lovely, underestimated word). Sociologists have long recognized that, in the hierarchy of motivations, survival proceeds comfort. Cultures develop accordingly. Indeed, we can deduce that moving from enjoyment (“thrival”) to survival is a reversal of progress, primal in the negative sense. While (with a nod to Maslow) I acknowledge that achievement can be connected to enjoyment, I would rather make the distinction between achieving and achievement while ignoring the distinction between enjoying and enjoyment. If we dance with tense, then I want joy in the present tense. However, I want to move from joy towards joy, which only magnifies the present tense experience of the same. Thus, I choose to equate survival with achievement, and the effort to do so (achieving) as the experience of joy (present tense) while moving from joy towards joy. Survival is boring.