On the Natural Selfishness of Leaders

On the Natural Selfishness of Leaders

Posted on:Nov 14 2016
Captured by:Austin M
Method:Previous Writings

Leaders are inherently selfish. Their first reaction is almost always self-centered. I believe it is difficult to prevent this problem. I do not judge a leader by his first reaction, but rather by his second. The second reaction should come quickly and should be generous. The second reaction requires rigorous discipline.

I do not mind that a leader is self-seeking. It is part of what motivates them. I mind when a leader does not discipline this instinct with a profound generosity. Over the years, I think I have deceived myself. I thought that my instinct was to be generous and giving. I think now my first reaction remains selfish but is sometimes followed by a second, more appropriate, reaction. I wish I could eliminate the first. I do not know how.


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