On the Spiritual Development of My Children in 2008 and 2009

On the Spiritual Development of My Children in 2008 and 2009

Posted on:Nov 05 2008
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I see two new practices that I need to start with my children for the sake of their spiritual formation:

  1. I am going to add to their reading list a whole series of devotional classics. I may begin using Richard Fosters book Life with God.
  2. I am going to encourage them to read with a pencil in their hand, marking passages and making notations as they proceed. I realize this is a unique time to add that particular input into their lives. Currently, I have them reading the story. This is the NIV version of the story that is arranged in chronological order. It is truly helping them grasp the history of scripture as I integrate its chapters with the world history in their curriculum.

Slowly but surely the whole picture is coming together.

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