Below is a collection of Dr. McGlaughlin’s most recent observations (500+). Most of these observations are made throughout the course of everyday life, captured by dictation, and added to You can read more about the observation capture process here. The content here changes 5 days a week, so be sure to check back often. Also, feel free to leave a comment in the comments section of each observation.

July 28, 2017

On Leadership and the Balance between Aggressive Reflection and Relentless Action

Too many organizations are either paralyzed by excessive discussion or rendered ineffectual through frantic activity. Aggressive reflection requires the leader’s team to think deeply and generate […]
July 25, 2017

On Leadership and Three Elements of a Healthy Organization

The leader must be aware of three elements that contribute to an effective culture. I have noticed in literature various HR experts speak of these elements, […]
July 14, 2017

On Leadership and the Danger of Math

The leader must be careful of making decisions via the comfort of math. Indeed, any leader can conclude that (3 – 4 = -1); calculating is […]
July 7, 2017

On Leadership and Becoming our “Yes-es”

Each time we say “yes,” we are engaged in the predication of our subject (being). “Yes” indicates something about our ontology, in that it actualizes a […]
June 29, 2017

On Leadership and the Agenda as Hypothesis

The artful leader approaches meetings with a unique construct. An agenda should not be “a list of things to talk about”; an agenda forms a hypothesis […]
June 28, 2017

On the Difference between Reason and Excuse

The leader must understand the difference between a reason and an excuse. You can use a reason to explain why you behaved in a certain way […]
June 27, 2017

On Leadership and the Practice of “Yes And”

One of the most important tools for the leader is the phrase “yes and.” It is natural for the leader to say “however” or “but”; yet, […]