Below is a collection of Dr. McGlaughlin’s most recent observations (500+). Most of these observations are made throughout the course of everyday life, captured by dictation, and added to You can read more about the observation capture process here. The content here changes 5 days a week, so be sure to check back often. Also, feel free to leave a comment in the comments section of each observation.

January 30, 2015

On The Difference between the General and the Particular

This is the key to understanding the difference between the general and the particular: The man speaking of the general talks about guns and bullets; the […]
January 29, 2015

On Limitation as the Way to Ultimate Performance

Specialization is almost always forced by limitation. Restriction (enforced from the inside) rarely works. Limitation (imposed from the outside) is the only force powerful enough to […]
January 27, 2015

On the Priority of the Immediate over the Important

Strategy yields to the immediate. A general can carefully plan his strategy for winning the war, but put him in a firefight, and he will drop […]
January 22, 2015

On Content That Does Not Fit within a Container

When my mind is engaged in layers of introspection, the structure I embed my thoughts within can sometimes prove inadequate. This can catch me by surprise. […]
January 21, 2015

On the Difference between a Good Decision and the Right Decision

The leader does not lead with internal certainty; a leader leads from internal peace. Certainty and peace are not the same. I have often experienced peace with […]
January 20, 2015

On Transcending Value with Satisfaction

Commerce can be understood through the lens of the subject-predicate concept. The entity predicates. The essential predication can be described by two sets of activities: 1) They […]
January 17, 2015

On Thinking Fast vs. Thinking Deep

I need to let the passion for my organization’s value proposition to drive us forward, but I cannot let this same passion “break” us either… The […]