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In Session #11, Flint McGlaughlin teaches you how to capture attention and build cognitive momentum.
Here are some of the most important insights from this class:
• Pull the customer forward with a subject-predicate structure
• Leverage the power of the understood subject
• Enforce the four-words-to-value rule
• Remember that the customer is the subject and your offer is the object
• Use the grammatical subject to prioritize the customer’s interest
You can watch the full video above, or jump ahead to these key takeaways:
00:00 Effective Headlines: How to write the first 4 words for maximum conversion
00:34 You have less then two seconds to capture attention and build cognitive momentum
00:47 How do I structure the first four words of my headline for maximum cognitive momentum?
1:09 Pull the customer forward with a subject-predicate structure
2:36 Use the grammatical subject to prioritize the customer’s interest
4:34 Leverage the power of the understood subject
5:58 The customer is the subject and your offer is the object.
6:45 Enforce the “four-words-to-value rule.”
8:25 The four headline principles combined in one headline example
8:54 Improve this headline – put your best ideas in the YouTube comments for this video
To get immediate help with your marketing challenges, just contact Flint and his team:
This is session #11 from the online training “Become a Marketer-Philosopher: Create and optimize high-converting webpages” – The course is fully underwritten by MECLABS, with no monetary cost to participants.