Below is a small selection from over 200 various writings and publications from Dr. Flint McGlaughlin. Some of the articles have been published in journals, magazines, and other print media; others are from his personal journals. You can read more about the writings of Dr. McGlaughlin here.

July 13, 2012

Justifying Isaac: Is There a Reasonable Condition wherein Isaac Might Surrender His Life?

NOTE: Underlying this particular essay are some important reflections on the nature on Divine Authority. While the conclusion is somewhat tentative, there are other implications which […]
June 4, 2009

Pieces of My Am

Undivided yet the same, My heart is more than two. How can I fix the past a whole When all I am I do? I need […]
June 3, 2009

I Think My Now Is Dying

It’s eventide; the sun is grim. It sets upon the wake. The shadows mourn for fallen Kings, As phantoms of the rake. The cloven hoof hath […]
June 2, 2009

Embracing Uncertainty

Among the multiplicity of differing opinions about ultimate truth, there should be at least general agreement that there is a multiplicity of differing opinions. Everyone does […]
May 26, 2009

On How Belief Revision Suggests an Epistemological Problem for a Divine Ethical Standard

NOTE: You do not need to be a mathematician to understand this piece. (I am not a mathematician.) You can skip over the Baye’s Theorem diagrams. […]
May 21, 2009

I Was You

In death and age there are secrets hid, A shroud yet veiled by time. And the fleeting years hide a prophet’s word Learned late by the […]
May 21, 2009

Forbidden Fruit

Forbidden Fruit, None dare to touch,     Nor test,     Nor take,     Nor taste. Oh Guardian, With flaming Sword, such fruit denied is waste. Hear Primal man! You […]