Below is a collection of Dr. McGlaughlin’s most recent observations (500+). Most of these observations are made throughout the course of everyday life, captured by dictation, and added to You can read more about the observation capture process here. The content here changes 5 days a week, so be sure to check back often. Also, feel free to leave a comment in the comments section of each observation.

January 15, 2015

On Leadership and the Danger of Lavish Praise

Lavish praise loses its luster (as does everything else in which we lavishly indulge). Dale Carnegie is often quoted for advising his readers to be “lavish […]
January 10, 2015

On the Need for a Meta-Theory of Optimization

Is there a general underlying theory of optimization that will allow you to improve results regardless of the medium or the business category? Isn’t there more […]
January 9, 2015

On Great Organizations Being Built by Broken Men

Great organizations are built by broken men. It takes extreme strength to overcome the organic resistance of the perfect. Balanced men make solid managers, but they do […]
December 30, 2014

On Reviving the Appreciation of Management

For some time I have been sensing and stating that the real key to accomplishing the most is valued in today’s leadership culture. It is the […]
December 23, 2014

On Communication the Danger of Gimmicks

Most speakers confuse techniques with gimmicks. They regale their audience with a series of practiced gimmicks. In doing so, the man and the method get in […]
December 20, 2014

On Communication and the Bilateral Promise

In the craftsmanship of the classic presentation, the writer or speaker is taught to develop a problem and a proposition. I have modified the proposition to […]
December 18, 2014

On the Leader’s Ability to Lead from Failure

The best way to give your team permission to fail, is to fail in front of your team. Your vulnerability attracts theirs.