Below is a collection of Dr. McGlaughlin’s most recent observations (500+). Most of these observations are made throughout the course of everyday life, captured by dictation, and added to You can read more about the observation capture process here. The content here changes 5 days a week, so be sure to check back often. Also, feel free to leave a comment in the comments section of each observation.

September 11, 2014

On Self-Defined Output

I fear that most of our lives are self-defined by what happens on the surface, when in fact they are truly defined by how we interpret […]
September 11, 2014

On the Implications of a Stimulated Response

One must be aware of the implications of a stimulated response. This seems self-apparent; indeed, it is necessary for a response to have a stimulus. However, […]
September 10, 2014

On the Measure of a Man

The test of a man is what it takes to stop him. You measure a leader by the size of his problems. You cannot measure a […]
September 5, 2014

On the Website as Experience Set

To achieve the most with our e-commerce website we must go beyond the mundane concept of a catalog which displays products. There are two philosophical down-shifts: […]
September 4, 2014

On the Two “Me’s”

It takes real courage not to need to demonstrate that you have courage. It takes authenticity not to need to demonstrate that you are authentic. There […]
August 29, 2014

On the Danger of Numerical Sequencing

One must be careful of numbering systems. They often indicate sequence where there is none. They enforce linear perspective where lateral or even multi-dimensional perspective is […]
August 28, 2014

On the Danger of “Vision-Casting”

“Vision-casting” is a dangerous undertaking. Once a vision is declared, it can be refined; but if it is changed too frequently and/or too radically, the leader […]