Below is a collection of videos that have been produced by and about Dr. Flint McGlaughlin. Most are recent recordings of his live lectures and training; some are taken from various interviews he has conducted. For more information about these videos and Dr. McGlaughlin’s history in broadcast television, visit here.

December 4, 2013

Subject Lines that Convert

A review of 100+ successful subject lines reveals what motivates people to open (or delete) an email
November 12, 2013

Category Pages that Work

Recent research reveals design changes that led to a 61.2% increase in product purchases.
October 5, 2013

Are Letter-Style Emails Still Effective?

New research reveals how customers read emails today
August 9, 2013

Converting Free Trials to Paid Customers

How the right message at the right time generated a 68% lift in free trial conversion.
July 29, 2013

Does Brand Really Matter?

A recent experiment reveals how brand impacts the conversion process.
June 24, 2013

Reducing Cart Abandonment

4 main reasons why customers leave your shopping cart and how a few tweaks can stop the leak
May 17, 2013

Long Copy vs. Short Copy

How discovering the optimal length of a webpage produced a 220% increase in conversion.