Below is a collection of Dr. McGlaughlin’s most recent observations (500+). Most of these observations are made throughout the course of everyday life, captured by dictation, and added to You can read more about the observation capture process here. The content here changes 5 days a week, so be sure to check back often. Also, feel free to leave a comment in the comments section of each observation.

April 16, 2014

On the Essential Task of the Leader as Leading

In an organization where a leader must lead other strong leaders, I question as to whether or not his best judgment produces the right way forward. […]
April 8, 2014

On the Combination of Poetry with Aphorism

I wonder if poetry can be combined with aphorism. Perhaps there is a way to use rhythm with insight. I recognize that some poetry suggests without […]
April 1, 2014

On the Danger of the Blur and the Advantage of Clarity

Mediocrity tends to blur and excellence tends to sharpen. Mediocre people tend to blur situations, but excellent people tend to sharpen situations. Beware of the blur. […]
March 26, 2014

On the Real Purpose of a Financial Reserve

Every leader agrees that a financial reserve is necessary, but most think of it as (just) an important form of security. This misses the point. A […]
March 25, 2014

On the Incipient and the Pragmatist

As I continue to reflect on the nature of the incipient, other considerations come to mind. Anyone who accepts the reality of their limitation must learn […]
March 19, 2014

On “Humility-Devices” and the Danger of Confusing Humble Actions with Humble Men

The attempt at achieving humility is often characterized by the use of “humility-devices.”  Sometimes one employs self-deprecating humor, sometimes one displays a moment of vulnerability, sometimes […]
March 12, 2014

On the Centrality of Epistemology

For me, epistemology is at the foundation. Whatever I perceive, regarding metaphysics or ontology is itself an epistemic exercise. One may argue that the priority of […]